Paulo Rego

Professor  Paulo Amaral Rego (VC)

Date of Birth: July 4th, 1971

Nationality: Portuguese

Orcid ID: 0000-0002-8098-4526

Nº Ordem dos Médicos 36010



  • Education     


Lisbon Medical School 1995. License Nº 36010.

Orthopaedic residence in 2004, Hospital Santa Maria, Lisbon University.

UniversitätsKlinik für Orthopädiche Chirurgie, Inselspital, Bern Switzerland, 2004. Head of department – Professor Reinhold Ganz – Surgical training in hip dysplasia and hip impingement.

“Steadman Hawkins Clinic, Vail Medical Center, Colorado, United States  2005 – under the surveillance of  Dr. Mark J. Philipphon.


  • Clinical Practice


Attending Orthopaedic Surgeon, Head of Hip Team 2004 – 2012 Orthopaedic Department, Hospital Santa Maria, Lisbon University, Medical School. - Lisbon

Attending Orthopaedic Surgeon, Head of Hip Team since January 2007 Hospital da Luz - Lisbon

Head of Orthopaedic Department Hospital Beatriz Ângelo  2012 – 2021 Lisbon 

Head of Orthopaedic Department Hospital da Luz since 2016 – Lisbon 


  • Areas of surgical expertise


Hip Preserving Surgery, Periacetabular Osteotomy, Hip Arthroscopy, Retinacular Flap Surgery  and Primary Total Hip Replacement.  


  • Teaching Appointments

Assistant Professor in Normal Human Anatomy since October 1997. Normal Anatomy Department, Lisbon Medical School Head of Department: Professor Doutor Gonçalves Ferreira.

Assistant Professor in Orthopaedics and Traumatology since October 2004. Orthopaedics Department - Lisbon University - Head of Department: Professor Doutor Jacinto Monteiro de 2004.

PhD degree at Lisbon University in July 2017 

Professor in Orthopaedics and Traumatology at Lisbon University since December 2017.

Faculty of the AO Davos courses: master course everything about the hip (2023)


  • Positions at the Portuguese Society of Orthopedics

Head of the Portuguese Hip Society from 2011-2013.

Head of the Scientific Committee of the Portuguese Society of Orthopedics 2017- 2020.


  • International meeting Lectures

More than 100 lectures as invited faculty in international meetings on hip preservation surgery



  • Publications (papers) 38 (670 citations)

1. Feliciano A, do Rosário HS, Goulão I, Borges MG, Silva M, Rego P, Silvério S, Pedro V. Vasoactive endothelial factors. Rev Port Cardiol. 1993;12:557-60, 510. (impact factor: 0,9)

2. Rego P, Carmo G, Xavier R, Norberto A, Lobo O, Távora I, Baptista A. Schistosoma haematobium: an unusual clinical presentation. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 1997;91:441. (impact factor: 1,9)

3. Rego P, Mineiro J, J Monteiro. Lesões traumáticas da radiocubital inferior. Rev. Port. Ortop. Traum., vol. 10, 193-205, 2002. 

4. Rego P., Correia L, Ramiro N, Monteiro J.Tratamento cirúrgico de fraturas do astrágalo, 10 anos experiência. Rev. Port. Ortop. Traum., vol. 10, 243-248; 2002. 

5. Rego P, Oliveira D, Sarmento M, Monteiro J. Tratamento cirúrgico de lesões do anel pélvico". Rev. Port. Ortop. Traum., vol. 10, 225-230; 2002. 

6. Rego P, Correia L, Monteiro J. Hipermobilidade articular benigna. Rev. Port. Ortop. Traum., vol. 10, 201-208; 2002.

7. Rego P, Moura N, Correia L, Monteiro J. Tratamento de fraturas de ossos longos com osteossínteses endomedulares. avilha fresada / não-fresada. Rev. Port. Ortop. Traum., vol. 10, 231-242, 2002. 

8. Rego P, Oliveira D, Monteiro J. Protocolo de abordagem de lesões do anel pélvico. Rev. Port. Ortop. Traum., vol. 10, 262-268; 2002. 

9. Oliveira D, Rego P, Monteiro J. O papel da fixação externa nas fraturas da bacia". Rev. Port. Ortop. Traum., vol. 10, 145-148, 2002. 

10. Oliveira D, Rego P, Monteiro J. Redução cruenta e fixação interna em lesões do anel pélvico anterior". Rev. Port. Ortop. Traum., vol. 10, 31-39, 2002.

11. Caetano-Lopes J, Nery AM, Henriques R, Canhão H, Duarte J, Amaral PM, Vale M, Moura RA, Pereira PA, Weinmann P, Abdulghani S, Souto-Carneiro M, Rego P, Monteiro J, Sakagushi S, Queiroz MV, Konttinen YT, Graça L, Vaz MF, Fonseca JE. Chronic arthritis directly induces quantitative and qualitative bone disturbances leading to compromised biomechanical properties. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2009;27:475-482. (impact factor: 2,7)

12. Rego P, Jorge J, Simões F, Pires E, Lopes S, Pinto P, Spranger A, Oliveira F, Gaspar A, Monteiro J. Pressão de contacto intra-articular no conflito femoroacetabular. Contributo para o seu melhor esclarecimento através de estudo tridimensional por elementos finitos. Rev. Port. Ortop. Traum., vol. 10, 31-39; 2010. 

13. Pina S, Vieira SI, Rego P, Torres PM, da Cruz e Silva OA, da Cruz e Silva EF, Ferreira JM. Biological responses of brushite-forming Zn- and ZnSr- substituted beta-tricalcium phosphate bone cements. Eur Cell Mater. 2010;20:162-177. (impact factor: 5,7)

14. Soldado F, Fontecha CG, Haddad S, Corona P, Collado D, Llusá M, Rego P. Composite vascularized fibular epiphyseo-osteo-periosteal transfer for hip reconstruction after proximal femoral tumoral resection in a 4-year-old child. Microsurgery. 2012;32:489-492.(impact factor: 2,1)

15. Simões FMF, Tavares DG, Jorge JP, Pires EB, Rego P. Femoracetabular impingement of the cam type: finite elements simulations and comparison with a non-cam hip. Journal of Biomechanics. 2012;45:S270.(impact factor: 2,4)

16. Soldado F, Barrera-Ochoa S, Fontecha CG, Haddad S, Barastegui D, Barber I, Rego P. Vascularized periosteal graft from the first metatarsal bone: a new technique to prevent collapse of osteonecrosis of the talus in children. A case report. Microsurgery. 2013;33:56-59. (impact factor: 2,1)

17. Jorge JP, Simões FM, Pires EB, Rego P, Tavares DG, Lopes DS, Gaspar A. Finite element simulations of a hip joint with femoroacetabular impingement. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin. 2014;17:1275-1284. (impact factor:2,4)

18. Lourenço J, Simões FMF, Rego P. Finite element analyses of femoroacetabular impingement before and after hip arthroscopy. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering. 2015;26:193-206.(impact factor: 1)

19. Rego P, Mascarenhas V, Oliveira FS, Pinto PC, Gaspar A, Ovídio J, Collado DG. Morphologic and angular planning for cam resection in femoro-acetabular impingement: value of the omega angle. International Orthopaedics. 2015 (impact factor: 2,4)

20. Mascarenhas VV, Rego P, Dantas P, Morais F, McWilliams J, Collado D, Marques H, Gaspar A, Soldado F, Consciência JG. Imaging prevalence of femoroacetabular impingement in symptomatic patients, athletes, and asymptomatic individuals: A systematic review. Eur J Radiol. 2016;85:73-95. (impact factor: 2,5)

21. Mascarenhas VV, Rego P, Dantas P, Gaspar A, Soldado F, Consciência JG. Cam deformity and the omega angle, a novel quantitative measurement of femoral head-neck morphology: a 3D CT gender analysis in asymptomatic subjects. Eur Radiol. 2016.(impact factor: 2,5)

22. Marín-Peña O, Fernández-Tormos E, Dantas P, Rego P, Pérez-Carro L. Anatomía y función de la articulación coxofemoral. Anatomía artroscópica de la cadera. Revista Española de Artroscopia y Cirugía Articular. 2016;23:3-10.

23. Rego P, Mascarenhas V, Collado D, Coelho A, Barbosa L, Ganz R. Arterial Topographic Anatomy Near the Femoral Head-Neck Perforation with Surgical Relevance. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery AM. 2017;99:1213-1221.. (impact factor: 5,3)

24. Simões Lopes D, Duarte de Figueiredo Parreira P, Figueiredo Paulo S, Nunes V, Rego P, Cassiano Neves M, Silva Rodrigues P, Armando Jorge J. On the utility of 3D Hand Cursors to Explore Medical Volume Datasets with a Touchless Interface. J Biomed Inform. 2017.(impact factor: 3,2)

25. Kalhor M, Collado D, Leunig M, Rego P, Ganz R. Recommendations to Reduce Risk of Nerve Injury During Bernese Periacetabular Osteotomy (PAO). JBJS Essential Surgical Techniques. 2017;7:e34. (impact factor: 5,3)

26. Mascarenhas VV, Rego P, Dantas P, Castro M, Jans L, Marques RM, Gouveia N, Soldado F, Ayeni OR, Consciência JG. Hip shape is symmetric, non-dependent on limb dominance and gender-specific: implications for femoroacetabular impingement. A 3D CT analysis in asymptomatic subjects. Eur Radiol. 2018;28:1609-1624.(impact factor: 2,5)

27. Rego P, Mascarenhas V, Oliveira FS, Pinto PC, Sampaio E, Monteiro J. Arthroscopic versus open treatment of cam-type femoro-acetabular impingement: retrospective cohort clinical study. International Orthopaedics. 2018;42:791-797.(impact factor: 2,4)

28. Kalhor M, Gharanizadeh K, Rego P, Leunig M, Ganz R. Valgus Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis: Pathophysiology of Motion and Results of Intracapsular Realignment. J Orthop Trauma. 2018;32 Suppl 1:S5-S11. (impact factor: 2,25)

29. Mascarenhas VV, Rego P, Dantas P, Caetano AP, Jans L, Sutter R, Marques RM, Ayeni OR, Consciência JG. Can We Discriminate Symptomatic Hip Patients From Asymptomatic Volunteers Based on Anatomic Predictors? A 3-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Study on Cam, Pincer, and Spinopelvic Parameters. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2018;46:3097-3110. (impact factor: 6,05)

30. Rego P, Beaulé P, Ayeni O, Tey M, Marin-Peña O, Dantas P, Wilkin G, Grammatopoulos G, Mafra I, Smit K, Kurz A. Femoroacetabular Impingement: What the Surgeon Wants to Know” Semin Musculoskelet Radiol 2019;23:1–19.;  DOI 10.1055/s-0039-1683967 (impact factor:1.52)

31. Mascarenhas VV, Castro MO, Rego P, Sutter R, Sconfienza LM, Kassarjian A, Schmaranzer F, Ayeni OR, Dietrich TJ, Robinson P, Weber M-A, Beaulé PE, Dienst M, Jans L, Lalam R, Karantanas AH, SudoÅ‚-SzopiÅ„ska I, Anderson S, Noebauer-Huhmann I, Vanhoenacker FM, Dantas P, Marin-Peña O, Collado D, Tey-Pons M, Schmaranzer E, Llopis E, Padron M, Kramer J, Zingg PO, De Maeseneer M, Afonso PD. The Lisbon Agreement on Femoroacetabular Impingement Imaging—part 1: overview. Eur Radiol. 2020 (impact factor: 2,5)

32.  Barbosa L, Pires L, Rego P, Alonso R. Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty for Treatment of 3- and 4-Part Proximal Humeral Fractures: Clinical and Radiological Analysis With Minimum Follow-Up of 2 Years. Geriatr Orthop Surg Rehabil. 2020 (impact factor: unknown)

33.  Mascarenhas VV, Caetano A, Dantas P, Rego P. Advances in FAI Imaging: a Focused Review. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med, 13(5): p. 622-640. 2020 doi10.1007/s12178-020-09663-7 (impact factor: 2,8)

34.  Rego P, Mascarenhas V, Mafra I, Oliveira F, Pinto P, Ganz R. Femoral neck osteotomy in skeletally mature patients: surgical technique and midterm results. International Orthopaedics (SICOT), 2020. doi10.1007/s00264-020-04822-4 (impact factor: 2,7)

35.  Mascarenhas VV, Castro MO, Afonso PD, Rego P, Dienst M, Sutter R, Schmaranzer F, Sconfienza L, Kassarjian A, Ayeni OR, Beaulé PE, Dantas P, Lalam R, Weber MA, Vanhoenacker FM, Dietrich TJ, Jans L, Robinson P, Karantanas AH, SudoÅ‚-SzopiÅ„ska I, Anderson S, Noebauer-Huhmann I, Marin-Peña O, Collado D, Tey-Pons M, Schmaranzer E, Padron M, Kramer J, Zingg PO, De Maeseneer M, Llopis E.,(2021) The Lisbon Agreement on femoroacetabular impingement imaging-part 2: general issues, parameters, and reporting. Eur Radiol, doi10.1007/s00330-020-07432-1(impact factor: 2,5)

36.  Castro MO, Mascarenhas VV, Afonso PD, Rego P, Schmaranzer F, Sutter R, Kassarjian A, Sconfienza L, Dienst M, Ayeni OR, Beaulé PE, Dantas P, Lalam R, Weber MA, Vanhoenacker FM, Dietrich TJ, Jans L, Robinson P, Karantanas AH, SudoÅ‚-SzopiÅ„ska I, Anderson S, Noebauer-Huhmann I, Marin-Peña O, Collado D, Tey-Pons M, Schmaranzer E, Padron M, Kramer J, Zingg PO, De Maeseneer M, Llopis E.,(2021) The Lisbon Agreement on Femoroacetabular Impingement Imaging-part 3: imaging techniques. Eur Radiol, p. doi10.1007/s00330-020-07501-5 (impact factor: 2,5)

37. Amaro P, Pires L, Rego P, Alonso R.,(2022) Clinical outcomes after a new arthroscopic assisted fixation technique of acute acromioclavicular joint dislocation. Arthroscopy and Orthopedic Sports Medicine, 9(2): p. 49-56. doi10.14517/aosm22010

38. Rego P, Mafra I, Viegas R, Canhoto J, Oliveira F, Pinto P. Is subcapital realignment for slipped capital femoral epiphysis a reproducible technique? Midterm results. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2024; 


  • Publications (book chapters) 

“Shoulder anatomy”

in: O ombro. Lisboa: Lidel. p1-16. (2009)

2. “Hip lesions in sports”

In: Traumatologia desportiva: Lidel. Pp. 131-144 (2014)

3. “Indications and Results of Femoral Neck Osteotomy in Adults”

In:Ganz,R.(eds) Modern Hip Preservation. Springer, Cham. (2022)


  • Awards & Fellowships


1. Professor Doutor Arsénio Cordeiro award in medicine 1992: “Endotelial vasoactive factors”, Lisbon University, 1992.

2. Portuguese Orthopaedic Society Meeting award 1999: “Surgical treatment of  children suffering from  renal osteodystrophy. .

3. Portuguese Orthopaedic Society 2013 award for hip a preserving surgery fellowship. Lisbon 2003.

4. Synos-Foundation fellowship for the Advancement of Orthopaedic Surgery, Switzerland, 2004.

5. Carlos Lima award 2010 (Portuguese Orthopaedic Society) for the paper “Intra-articular contact pressure  in femoroacetabular impingement - finite elements study”. 

6. Portuguese Orthopaedic Society 2011 ward for the best trauma lecture: “Surgical Hip Dislocation in the treatment of  acetabular fractures”.

7. Portuguese Orthopaedic Society 2014 & 2016 awards” Clinical and radiological results after Bernese Periacetabular Osteotomy”.

8. JBJS Essential Surgical Techniques Editor’s Choice Technique Award 2017 to the paper “Recommendations to Reduce Risk of Nerve Injury During Bernese Periacetabular Osteotomy (PAO)”


  • Reviewer appointments 

1. Invited reviewer of the Journal “International Orthopaedics (INOR)”, Official Journal of the Société Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopédique et de Traumatologie (SICOT); 2016 impact factor 2,52;

2. Invited reviewer of the Journal “The Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery (JHPS);  Official Journal of the International Society for Hip Preservation (indexed journal) 

3. Invited reviewer of the The Bone & Joint Journal  (The British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint Surgery) Impact Factor: 4.301


  • Professional Menberships:    

Portuguese Orthopaedic Society.

Portuguese Trauma Society.

Portuguese Hip Society.

Fellow “European Board of Orthopaedics and Traumatology” - FEBOT (since 2004).

European Hip Society. (EHS).

International Society for Hip Preservation (ISHA).

International Hip Society active member (IHS).

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Paulo Amaral Rego M.D.
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Specialized in hip hip arthroscopy, periacetabular osteotomy - hip dysplasia, hip preserving and reconstructive surgery.
Head of Hip Unit - Hospital da Luz
Head of Orthopaedic Department - Hospital da Luz


Hospital da Luz
Avenida Lusíada, 100
1500- Lisboa
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